When someone tells you they want to go into Engineering, it’s important to help them understand there are many kinds of engineering and new types are emerging at a rapid pace.
We want to keep this list current so if you see something missing, let us know so we can update it.
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Mechanical, Aerospace,
Biomedical, Biomechanical,
Automotive, Civil, Structural, Architectural, Electrical, Computer, Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics, Mircroelectronic, Chemical, Environmental, Material Science, Agricultural, Paper, Sustainability Engineering and Design, Engineering Management, MBA in Engineering, Industrial, Systems, Manufacturing, Petroleum, Geological, GeoEngineering, Nuclear, Marine, Engineering Physics, Photonics, Nanotechnology, Mining, Ceramics, Metallurgical, Geomatics, Marine, Acoustical, Video, Hydro.